SLOMFP | San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with limited lobbying but deductible donations |
MFP | Mothers for Peace |
MFPAC | Mothers for Peace Action Committee 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization with unlimited lobbying but non-deductible donations |
DCISC DCDEP UCS | Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel Union of Concerned Scientists |
NIRS | Nuclear Information Resource Service |
ECOSLO | Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo |
A4NR | Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
ASLB | Atomic Safety and Licensing Board |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission (now called the NRC) |
PG&E | Pacific Gas and Electric Company |
DCNPP | Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant |
DCISC | Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee |
SONGS | San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (in San Diego) |
TMI | Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant |
ISFSI | Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (dry cask facility) |
HLRW | High Level Radioactive Waste |
CPUC | California Public Utilities Commission |
CEC | California Energy Commission |
CCC | California Coastal Commission |
RWQCB | Regional Water Quality Control Board |
GOA | Government Accounting Office |
LER | Licensee Event Reports (the utilities are required to report certain ‘events’, i.e. problems at the plants) |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences |
USGS | United States Geological Survey (a science organization which provides information on the Earth (fault lines and earthquakes for example) |
NUREG | a series of regulatory guides and reports from the NRC |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
DOE | Department of Energy |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
CEQA | California Environmental Quality Act |
PWR | Pressurized Water Reactor |
PRA | Probabilistic Risk Assessments |
INPO | Institute of Nuclear Power Operations |
ACRS | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
GEIS | Generic Environmental Impact Statement |
NEI | Nuclear Energy Institute |
ALARA | As Low As is Reasonably Achievable |
FSAR | Final Safety Analysis Report |
FSER | Final Safety Evaluation Report |
LOCO | Loss Of Coolant Accident |
LRA | License Renewal Application |