Mission Statement
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace is a non-profit organization concerned with the dangers posed by Diablo Canyon and other nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons, and radioactive waste.
Additionally, the organization works to promote peace, environmental and social justice, and renewable energy.

Current Major Goals
- safer storage of Diablo Canyon’s radioactive wastes
- more robust casks
- Hardened On Site Storage (HOSS)
- stop Consolidated Interim Storage (CIS)
- do NOT transport radioactive wastes by truck, rail or barges to New Mexico and Texas
- do NOT ask economically depressed or minority communities to accept radioactive wastes from across the nation
- keep the wastes at their sites of origin until a permanent repository is established, as required by federal law
- monitor operations of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant for safety issues
- work for earlier closure of Diablo Canyon
- PG&E has reneged on its commitment to close Unit 1 end of 2024; Unit 2 end of 2025. Mothers for Peace, its attorneys, allies, and experts are working to reverse the proposal for extended operation.
- educate the public about the dangers of nuclear weapons as well as nuclear energy
- support renewable energy sources as one way to address the climate crisis

Agencies We Monitor
Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee (DCISC)
This three-person Committee is charged with reviewing and making recommendations concerning the safety of operations at Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.
Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel (DCDEP)
This panel was convened by PG&E as a volunteer, non-regulatory, advisory body created to encourage open communication, public involvement, and education regarding the decommissioning plans and activities. Mothers for Peace Board Member Linda Seeley is a member of this Panel.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
This “independent” agency was created by Congress in 1974 to ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment.
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
The CPUC is charged with regulating services and utilities, protecting consumers, safeguarding the environment, and assuring Californians’ access to safe and reliable utility infrastructure and services. https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/
San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors (BoS)
This legislative arm of the County government implements policies and the provisions of services that will enhance the economic, environmental and social quality of life in San Luis Obispo County. It is the lead agency in the decommissioning process of the Diablo Canyon plant.
Annual Projects
- award scholarships to high school seniors and a university upper class student who share our goals
- donate Jane Addams Peace Foundation children’s books to the San Luis Obispo County Library

Radiation that may be released from Diablo doesn’t stop at its gate; nature pays no attention to borders. The work you do now to stop nuclear power is a gift to future generations.