December 14, 2024: POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER AND WATER LEVEL CONDITIONS Join Mothers for Peace on a grand adventure to the Atascadero beaver ponds!
Space is limited to 25 people, so purchase your $25 ticket NOW through Eventbrite! Bring water shoes! The tour is being organized by the Beaver Brigade You will learn about beavers, their habits, what they eat, their lodges, why they build dams, how they help remove carbon from the atmosphere, how they help during wildfires, how…
February 19, 20: Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee Meetings
Wednesday and Thursday, February 19-20, 2025 HOW TO ATTEND In person: Point San Luis Conference RoomAvila Lighthouse SuitesFirst & San Francisco Streets, Avila Beach, California Webcast in real time:http://www.slo-span.org/local_webcast/DCISC/stream_index.htm and through https://www.dcisc.org Zoom: Meeting ID: 816 1548 8109https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81615488109 You may email comments to dcsafety@dcisc.org The full agenda can be found here: PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA Highlights of the meetings which…
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