San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (MFP) recognizes the many threats to the health of the planet and all its lifeforms. We acknowledge both the gravity and urgency in addressing the myriad issues.
The primary focus of MFP continues to be the dangers posed by the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant and the global issues of nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, and radioactive waste. Because we recognize that “all things are bound together” (Chief Seattle of the Suquamish and Duwamish Nations), MFP finds itself extending its work beyond its usual parameters to climate action, plastic pollution, biodiversity loss, social and environmental justice, and more.
MFP is a local, all-volunteer organization. Its leadership is small in numbers but powerful in knowledge, experience, determination, and tenacity.
MFP expands its sphere of influence through collaboration with a multitude of like-minded governmental agencies, citizen groups, scientific experts, and individuals holding public office.