Friday, December 16, 2022 5pm Pacific Time. Please register here. Simultaneous interpretation of Japanese and English will be provided.
The Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) are preparing to release “ALPS-treated” contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean despite strong opposition from both within and outside of Japan.
The Japanese government has stated that it will not take any action without the consent of relevant stakeholders. However, everyone who shares the Pacific Ocean will be affected. Japan must consult not only Japanese fishermen, but also other communities in Japan and other parts of the world, including Pacific Island nations.
Let’s listen to the voices of young Marshallese in the Pacific, whose livelihoods depend on the ocean, and people active in the West Coast of the United States.
Let’s collaborate to find a way to halt the dumping of
radioactive water into the ocean.
- Ruiko Muto, Citizens’ Conference to Condemn Further Pollution of the Ocean (KOREUMI) – from Fukushima
- Mulan Andrew, Marshall Islands Student Association (MISA)
- Tsukuru Fors, Pacific Asian Nuclear-Free Peace Alliance
- Dr. Arjun Makhijani, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
- Video messages from Korea, China, Taiwan, and Australia
Organized by: Citizens’ Conference to Condemn Further Pollution of the Ocean (KOREUMI)
Supported by: FoE Japan, Peace Boat, Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-FreeWorld, Pacific Asian Nuclear-Free Peace Alliance
Resources on this issue:
- Open letter to the government of Japan from 160+ concerned groups and scholars: https://mp-nuclear-free.com/Fukushima/20220803.html
- Op-ed by scientists: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2022/08/26/commentary/japan-commentary/radioactive-water-release