Plan to attend in person or via Zoom. There will be important reports and discussions regarding the extended operation of Diablo Canyon. The agenda is posted here.

Notable items on the agenda include: February 21 afternoon session, 1:15pm XIV DISCUSSION, DIRECTION AND ACTION, AS APPROPRIATE, BY THE COMMITTEE, CONSULTANTS & COUNSELDiscussion of New DCISC Initiatives Related to Extended Operations Under SB846, License Renewal, and Changes of Emphasis in Upcoming Fact-Finding Meetings. February 21 evening session, 5:15pm XVIII INFORMATION ITEMS BEFORE THE COMMITTEEBriefing on Section 4.2 of New License Renewal Application. (Reactor Vessel Neutron Embrittlement Analysis), Including a Briefing on the Recent Attempt to Retrieve Capsule B on Unit 1XIX REPORT BY DCISC SPECIAL TECHNICAL CONSULTANT AND DISCUSSION BY THE COMMITTEE & TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS WITH DIRECTION AND/OR ACTION AS APPROPRIATE TO FOLLOW PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR ITEMS XVIII A.1 &XIX D AS PROVIDED BELOWResults of Studies by Dr. Mark T. Kirk Evaluating Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity and Addressing Public Concerns.XX PUBLIC COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS ON ITEMS XVIII A.1 AND XIX D Mothers for Peace expert Digby Macdonald will be commenting on this report. February 22, afternoon session, 1:15pm Update on the Status of PG&E Sponsored Study Required Under SB 846 for Conducting an Updated Seismic Assessment Results of Study Required Under SB846 by Independent Consultants to Catalog and Evaluate Any Deferred Maintenance. |
Point San Luis Conference Facility
Avila Lighthouse Suites
First & San Francisco Streets, Avila Beach, California
This public meeting will be webcast in real time at: and through
This meeting is also being produced as a Zoom webinar by AGP Video Inc. and is webcast live on SLO-SPAN at and through and will be broadcast subsequently on San Luis Obispo local government access television, Channel 21.
Zoom Webinar Meeting ID: 869 5545 4434
Attendees can make oral comments or ask questions of the Committee Members during the webinar meeting by using the “Raise Your Hand” feature.