Let’s gear up, as this week will be a busy one. Diablo Canyon will take center stage at the County Supervisors meeting and at the Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee meetings.
That means your voices are needed! Don’t miss these important meetings!!
1. County Supervisors Meeting
When: Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 1:30 pm
Where: Board of Supervisor, 1055 Monterey St., SLO
What: Presentation by Tom Jones, Director of Government Relations at PG&E, regarding the passage of SB 846 and the extended operation of Diablo Canyon. This is item #31 on the agenda, which you can find here.
Why: This presentation may provide information on PG&E’s next steps on managing the issues related to extending the operation of the plant – seismic concerns, delayed maintenance issues, and storage of even more nuclear waste.
If you can’t attend, submit your public comments via email: boardofsups@co.slo.ca.us
Feel free to use and edit the sample letter below to send to make your voice heard!
Subject Line: Item no. 31
Dear San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors,
I live in [your town/city] and am very concerned and disappointed that the majority of this Board, Governor Newsom, and the California legislators voted in favor of extending the operation of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant beyond its agreed-upon closure date of 2025.
Specifically, I am very concerned about the following issues:
~The waste of billions of dollars in tax and ratepayer money being spent on revitalizing this aging plant rather than investing in clean energy resources, battery storage, and transmission infrastructure upgrades;
~the very real safety issues including seismic and accident risk, aging and degrading systems and components, a diminished workforce, Unit 1’s embrittled reactor vessel, and numerous delayed maintenance items;
~the waiver of any California Environmental Quality Act review during the relicensing process;
~the continued use of the now unlawful once-through cooling system, which harms the local marine environment;
~the storage of even more toxic high-level radioactive waste for an indeterminate amount of time in the vicinity of multiple significant earthquake faults.
It is incumbent upon the Board of Supervisors to address publicly and transparently these issues of safety and costs to keep the plant operating and to address in a comprehensive manner the Board’s plan to support the future of renewable energy resources to ensure a truly green energy future for California.
[Your Name]
2. Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee Meetings: Attend online or in person!
When: Sept. 28-29: There are 4 sessions. (Please click here for complete details for each session.) Below, note the issues of particular importance.
Afternoon Session, 9.28, 1:30pm:
~Presentations on the State of the Plant: including Key Events, Outages, Highlights, Organizational Changes, Preparations for Refueling Outage 2R23 and other Station Activities since the DCISC June 2022 Public Meeting
~Updates on the Status of NRC Performance Indicators, Licensee Event Reports, NRC Inspections Reports and Notices of Violation, Issues Raised by NRC Resident Inspectors, Open Compliance Issues, Current and Future License Amendment Requests, and other Significant Regulatory Issues/Requests.
Evening session, 9.28, 5:30pm: Update on potential continued operations of Diablo Canyon
Morning session, 9.29, 9am: Updates on procurement of a new spent fuel storage system and proposed schedule for transfer from the pools
What: Please click here for complete details for each session
Where: Zoom Webinar Meeting ID: 898 9109 8794- Zoom Webinar Meeting Passcode: 710396 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89299685775?pwd=N3JvQlkyUTVicEFZa0phN0VxOFVtZz09
One tap mobile : +14086380968,,89299685775#,,,,*710396# or +16694449171,,89299685775#,,,,*710396#
In-person: Avila Lighthouse Suites Point San Luis Conference Facility located at First & San Francisco Streets, Avila Beach
Make a public Comment: In person at one of the meetings or email to dcsafety@dcisc.org
Subject Line: Public Comment – Non-Agenda Item
I live in [your town/city] and am very concerned and disappointed that the majority of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, Governor Newsom, and the California legislators voted in favor of extending the operation of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant beyond its agreed-upon closure date of 2025.
Specifically, I am very concerned about the following issues:
~The waste of billions of dollars in tax and ratepayer money being spent on revitalizing this aging plant rather than investing in clean energy resources, battery storage, and transmission infrastructure upgrades;
~the very real safety issues including seismic and accident risk, aging and degrading systems and components, a diminished workforce, Unit 1’s embrittled reactor vessel, and numerous delayed maintenance items;
~the waiver of any California Environmental Quality Act review during the relicensing process;
~the continued use of the now unlawful once-through cooling system, which harms the local marine environment;
~the storage of even more toxic high-level radioactive waste for an indeterminate amount of time in the vicinity of multiple significant earthquake faults.
It is incumbent upon the Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee to hold public safety as its guiding principle as it addresses these complex decisions and issues during the resurrection process.
[Your Name]