Senate Bill 846, if passed, would keep Diablo operating past 2025. It will be voted on Wednesday evening.

Here’s what you can do:
1. Send this automatic, pre-written letter to your state legislators which tells them to vote NO on Senate Bill 846.
Click here to automatically send the letter.
2. Call key legislators (AGAIN) and tell them, “Vote NO on SB 846.”
We want to stop SB 846 in the Assembly! So call these Assembly members first! Leave a message if there is no answer. It’s fine to call multiple times!
Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon 916.319.2063
Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo 213.483.5151
Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath 760.434.7605
Assemblymember Steve Bennett 916.319.2037
Assemblymember Richard Bloom 916.319.2050
Assemblymember Laura Friedman 916.319.2043
Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi 916.319.2066
Assemblymember Luz Rivas 916.319.2039
Assemblymember Robert Rivas 916.319.2030
Assemblymember Mark Stone 916.319.2029
Assemblymember Phil Ting 916.319.2019
Then call these State Senators:
Senator John Laird 805.549.3784
Senator President pro-Tem Atkins 916.651.4039
Senator Henry Stern 916.651.4027
Senator Josh Becker 916.651.4013
Senator Monique Limon 916.651.4019
Senator Ben Allen 916.651.4026
Senator Ben Hueso 619.409.7690
Senator Nancy Skinner 916.651.4009
Hello, Senator or Assemblymember [name]:
My name is [state your name]. I am calling to ask you to oppose SB 846, the bill that would keep Diablo Canyon operating past its scheduled closure date in 2025.
SB 846 would also provide PG&E with $1.4 Billion a year in profits from taxpayers and ratepayers and allow shortcuts and sweeping exemptions from environmental reviews on seismic vulnerability, and an unlawful cooling system. There is no storage capacity for high-level radioactive waste past 2025. Please vote NO on SB 846!
Thank you,
Your name
Read the latest news:
- There’s only one way Newsom’s Diablo Canyon nuclear plan makes sense
- (SF Chronicle, Editorial, 8/28/22)
- We’re days away from a Diablo Canyon decision. Here’s why one side has a better argument (LA Times, Column, Steve Lopez, 8/26/22)
- California can’t count on Diablo Canyon’s nuclear power, so it should spend now on renewables (LA Times, Editorial, 8/24/22)
- Keeping the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open is a dangerous waste of effort and money (LA Times, Column, Michael Hiltzik, 8/16/22)
- Extending the life of PG&E’s Diablo Canyon power plant is the problem, not nuclear energy (Sacramento Bee, Editorial, 7/17/222)