Oppose the energy trailer bills (AB 205/SB 122) – no funding for Diablo Canyon and fossil fuel plants Call or email Senator Laird (D-San Luis Obispo), Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) NOW! Tell them to oppose AB 205/SB 122 – Energy Trailer Bills that provide unprecedented new authority and a blanket exemption for the Department of Water Resources (DWR) – the agency that manages the state’s water – to finance, construct and/or operate any type of energy project without compliance with existing local, state, or federal laws. This bill was crafted BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and has never been subject to a policy committee hearing. It would use $700 million in taxpayer dollars in 2022 and more in later years to extend the life of fossil fuel energy plants and Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and remove local control. As a California resident, you will have NO say in the matter! Further, this bill: * Overrides every agency in the state: the California Coastal Commission, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, the State Lands Commission, state and regional water boards, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, regional air boards, and Department of Fish and Wildlife, as well as local agencies. * Overrides current law that requires PG&E to mitigate for its operation of Diablo Canyon, and could bail out PG&E by giving them millions in public dollars while evading the laws that protect California’s coast. * Directs the DWR to pick winners and losers in the energy marketplace, exposing the state to market manipulation. * Twenty years ago, when DWR was provided authority to purchase power, this framework cost the state $42 billion. Newsom’s back-peddling on California’s commitment to rid carbon-polluting energy plants from the state’s power grid, and to potentially keep dirty and dangerous Diablo open past its decommissioning date by 2025, is misguided and shortsighted. TAKE ACTION NOW! CALL or EMAIL Senator Laird (D-San Luis Obispo), Senate President pro-Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego), and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) and tell them to oppose funding fossil fuels and NO to Diablo Canyon Power Plant! Click here to send your email NOW! CONTACT INFORMATION: Sen. Laird: SLO office: 805.549.3784 senator.laird@senate.ca.gov Gov. Gavin Newsom: (916) 445-2841 gavin.newsom@gov.ca.gov Sen. President pro-Temp Atkins: (916) 651-4039 senator.atkins@senate.ca.gov Speaker Rendon: (916) 319-2063 assemblymember.renedon@assembly.ca.gov Be sure to leave a message if you don’t get an answer. Sample Script: To Governor Newsom, Senator Atkins, or Assemblymember Rendon, I am a (San Luis Obispo County or California) resident and am writing (or calling) to express my objection to using the California State budget to include billions of dollars in taxpayer money to prolong the operations of fossil fuel plants and Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant beyond their respective closing dates. I urge you to support responsible energy policy and oppose AB 205/SB 122. These Energy Trailer Bills should be tabled and fixed to ensure that energy reliability does not undercut environmental and public health laws or exclude communities. Thank you, Your name and location |