July 10, 2008
Dear Jane:
Thanks again for making time to visit our offices during your trip to Washington for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) hearing on the proposed spent fuel storage plan for Diablo Canyon. It was a pleasure meeting you and discussing common issues. I have worked with the Mothers For Peace many times and look forward to working with your organization again in the future.
I am fortunate to work with several groups like Mothers For Peace around the country. What impresses me third-most about Mothers For Peace is the organization’s skill at obtaining the specialized help needed to take on specific campaigns. Mothers For Peace is extraordinarily adept at evaluating issues and identifying the person or team necessary to pursue their resolution. As opposed to a “one size fits all” approach, this tactic puts the best team on the field every time.
What impresses me second-most about Mothers For Peace is the organization’s results. I know all too well that it is not an easy matter to intervene in a legal proceeding before the NRC. The process stacks the deck mightily against the intervener, yet Mothers For Peace prevails often despite the long odds. Successful outcomes are likely a byproduct of the organization’s skill at putting together strong teams that make the most of constrained opportunities.
From my contacts within NRC, I am also aware that the agency recognizes the valuable role of the Mothers For Peace. For example, the NRC invites very few people outside of the industry and the government to make presentations at its annual Regulatory Information Conferences, yet has invited Morgan Rafferty of Mothers For Peace to speak on security issues twice. Further evidence appears today on the NRC’s own homepage in the photograph of Diane Curran, counsel for Mothers For Peace, providing oral arguments before the Commission. Prior photographs on the NRC homepage featured the Chairman’s visit to various plant sites and companies submitting applications to build new reactors. This was the first photograph featuring a public interest group.
What impresses me most about Mothers For Peace is knowing the organization achieves wonderful outcomes with a dedicated core of volunteers. While the experts retained by Mothers For Peace are often paid for their work, the tasks of monitoring activities at Diablo Canyon, determining when activities represent opportunities, and raising funds to pursue those opportunities are performed by volunteers unselfishly devoting long hours for the benefit of their communities. Their all-too-often unsung efforts are the reason that I will, if at all possible, try to lend assistance whenever Mothers For Peace seeks my help.
Mothers For Peace makes a tangible difference. Or differences, because Mothers For Peace has a long list of accomplishments that shows no signs of being complete – yet.

David Lochbaum
Director, Nuclear Safety Project