The CPUC is holding two online public meetings to consider the extension of Diablo Canyon.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
2pm and 6pm

The meetings will begin with a brief overview of the proceeding. The CPUC will then take comments from the public.
You can make oral comments through the phone line during the meeting:
800-857-1917, passcode: 1767567#
After entering the passcode, press *1 when prompted, unmute your phone, and record your name. Do this as soon as you get on the phone to increase your chance of being called to speak.
Wait times depend on the number of speakers in the queue. The operator will call on you when it is your turn to speak.
Written comments can be sent here.
You can observe the meeting via webcast here, but you cannot make comments.
Tell the CPUC that Diablo Canyon is old, dirty, dangerous, and EXPENSIVE!
PG&E must keep its promise to retire Diablo Canyon. The 2016 agreement to close Diablo in 2024 and 2025 enabled a just transition for workers and much promise for California’s clean energy future.
PG&E now seeks a 20-year license extension despite deferred crucial maintenance and safety upgrades; despite the nearby network of multiple earthquake faults; despite the extremely high cost of operation; despite the continued use of the damaging once-through cooling system in violation of the Clean Water Act; despite its impediment to renewable energy on the grid; despite unknowns about where the added high-level radioactive waste would be stored; and despite PG&E’s felony record for reckless arson and manslaughter.
It would be grossly irresponsible for PG&E to keep operating Diablo Canyon beyond the agreed upon closure dates. We cannot trust PG&E to keep Californians safe. Diablo Canyon must shut down as planned.