You can participate in this meeting via Zoom or in person at the SLO County Government Center. Here are the agenda and attendance details.
Wednesday, September 20, 6-9pm

The stated purposes of the meeting:
- Understand the current status of the Diablo Canyon Lands;
- understand the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel recommendations for use of the lands;
- receive information from the California Natural Resource Agency on the Diablo Canyon Power Plant Land Conservation and Economic Development Plan;
- receive information from the California State Coastal Conservancy on its role in implementing the $5 million state budget allocation for land conservation and trail planning;
- receive information from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development for use of the $5 million budget allocation for economic development of Parcel P;
- receive an update from PG&E regarding other decommissioning related activities; and
- receive formal public comment.