The Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee will be meeting in Avila on September 28 and 29. This will be a hybrid meeting. Prepare your questions about the safety and feasibility of the extended operation of Diablo!
Attendance information and agenda
Of particular note for the afternoon session, 9.28, 1:30pm:
- Presentations on the State of the Plant: including Key Events, Outages, Highlights, Organizational Changes, Preparations for Refueling Outage 2R23 and other Station Activities since the DCISC June 2022 Public Meeting.
- Updates on the Status of NRC Performance Indicators, Licensee Event Reports, NRC Inspections Reports and Notices of Violation, Issues Raised by NRC Resident Inspectors, Open Compliance Issues, Current and Future License Amendment Requests, and other Significant Regulatory Issues/Requests.
Evening session, 9.28, 5:30pm: Update on potential continued operations of Diablo Canyon
Morning session, 9.29, 9am: Updates on procurement of a new spent fuel storage system and proposed schedule for transfer from the pools