Decision-makers are moving quickly to extend operation, and so must we. Join our efforts to protect Central Coast Communities for future generations.
Diablo Canyon nuclear plant was scheduled to retire in 2024 and 2025. However, Senate Bill 846 – passed in 2022 – has enabled extended operation. State and federal subsidies have been granted to support this effort. Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) has applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for a 20-year license extension, although SB 846 asks for only 5 years.
We need your help in this urgent campaign.
Donations are needed to pay for our attorneys, consultants, and expert witnesses. Our projected budget is $800,000 over a 2-year period, and we have already raised more than half that amount!

We have received multiple gifts and grants and continue to hold local fundraising events, but we also rely on your generous donations.
You can make an online tax-deductible donation, one-time or recurring monthly, or mail checks to:
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, PO Box 3608, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403
We have also launched a GoFundMe Campaign.
If you’d like to join our fundraising team, please contact Julie Mansfield-Wells.
Litigation Update since our last newsletter in the Fall of 2023
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
Despite evidence of ample power, the high cost, growing safety risks, and continuing damage to the environment, the CPUC voted on December 14, 2023 to allow for extended operation of Diablo Canyon. Mothers for Peace will continue to participate in Phase 2 of the CPUC proceeding.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
- On January 10, 2024 our attorney Diane Curran argued before the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena, asking the court to reverse the NRC’s unlawful decision to allow continued operation of Diablo Canyon without the required safety and environmental reviews and opportunity for a public hearing. Friends of the Earth and Environmental Working Group are parties in this proceeding.

In a most unfortunate ruling on April 29, the Court of Appeals upheld the NRC’s unprecedented decision to exempt Diablo Canyon from NRC regulation. We will be filing for a rehearing.
- On March 4, Mothers for Peace, Friends of the Earth, and Environmental Working Group filed to intervene in the Diablo Canyon relicensing process. Three contentions were submitted regarding the embrittlement of Unit 1’s reactor vessel, seismic risk, and compliance with the California Coastal Commission regulations.
An oral argument was held in Maryland on May 22 before the NRC’s Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel. We have not yet received a decision as to whether or not any of the contentions will be admitted for a public hearing.
- On March 20, Mothers for Peace and Friends of the Earth filed an appeal brief in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court regarding the embrittlement of Unit 1’s reactor vessel. Over decades, the NRC has unlawfully granted multiple exemptions on the testing of the condition of the vessel.
San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors
Disappointingly, on March 26, the majority of our local Board of Supervisors voted in favor of a resolution to support operation of Diablo Canyon for 20 years. This was despite a strongly-worded letter from Senator Laird advising them to delay any such determination; many of the issues involved in a 5-year extension set forth in SB 846 have not been resolved, let alone 20 years!
Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel (DCDEP)
PG&E continues to plan simultaneously for both decommissioning and continued operation. Mothers for Peace Board Member Linda Seeley remains on the Panel, representing our interests.
Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee (DCISC)
SB 846 granted a great deal of oversight power to this Committee. Mothers for Peace continues to observe and participate in the local meetings. Our experts have opportunities to present testimony before the Committee.
Meetings with Legislators
Mothers for Peace members and its team of attorneys, consultants, and experts continue to meet with state legislators, sharing our concerns and our evidence demonstrating that Diablo Canyon is dangerous and expensive – and its energy not needed.
For more detailed information and to read our legal filings, go to Latest News on our website.
In other news…
Fukushima Commemoration
March 11 was the 13th anniversary of the beginning of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. This year, we recognized this date with a stand-with-us event at the gates of Diablo Canyon. As Japan continues to release contaminated waste water from Fukushima, we have been collecting and sending water samples from Pismo Beach to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute for analysis – to check for radiation in our local water.

Earth Day Fair
The Earth Day Fair was again held at Laguna Lake on April 20. It provided an excellent opportunity to connect and converse with people.

Mothers for Peace proudly awarded scholarships in May to two exemplary students whose education and career goals will have a positive impact on issues of peace, social justice, or the environment. We congratulate them and wish them well!
This year’s scholarship winners are:
Leila Zavala

- Graduate of Central Coast New Tech High School
- Fall enrollment: UCLA or UCSB
- Field of study: earth/environmental studies
Jaqueline Diaz

- Graduate of Arroyo Grande High School
- Fall enrollment: Santa Clara University
- Field of study: public health and political science
If you’d like to be added to the email alert list and/or meeting notices, contact Jill.