NEWSOM’S LATEST CAPRICIOUS BILL EXEMPTS ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND COSTS US $1.4 BILLION Governor Newsom has now introduced another bill to allow for the continued operation of Diablo Canyon by a vague “five or ten years”. The draft of this bill includes shortcuts and sweeping exemptions from environmental review from State permitting agencies. This bill also promises to “loan” PG&E up to $1.4 billion to cover costs of extending Diablo Canyon’s operating life – with all of the loan potentially “forgivable”. It agrees to pay PG&E $7 per every megawatt-hour of power generated which would mean an annual subsidy exceeding $120 million. WHAT ABOUT THE CLOSURE AGREEMENT? Ralph Cavanaugh from NRDC notes that this bill makes no reference to the settlement agreement governing the plant’s retirement in 2025 – which was reached in 2016 and endorsed by the legislature in 2018. Nor does it mention energy efficiency or demand response measures as a potential response to California’s reliability challenges. The findings used to justify these extraordinary provisions include no citations to published studies by any California regulator or agency recommending a further life extension for Diablo Canyon. There are none. THIS BILL WILL BE VOTED ON BY AUGUST 31 AUGUST 12 MEETING The California Energy Commission (CEC), Office of Governor Newsom, and the California Independent System Operator (ISO) held a joint remote workshop on August 12 to discuss California’s energy situation and the plan to extend the operating license of Diablo Canyon. Over 600 people attended this remote meeting, and there were hours of public comment. Thanks to all who spoke up against the extended operation of Diablo Canyon – either at the meeting or through written comments. TAKE ACTION! 1. Call or write to these key Senators: Senator John Laird 805.549.3784 Senator Henry Stern 916.651.4027 Senator Ben Allen 916.651.4026 Senator Josh Becker 916.651.4013 Senator Monique Limon 916.651.4019 Senator President pro-Tem Atkins 916.651.4039 Senator Nancy Skinner 916.651.4009 **Call only** 2. If you haven’t yet sent comments to the California Energy Commission, do that now. Written Comments are still being accepted until 5 pm on August 19! 3. Send letters to the editor of your local papers. The Tribune, San Luis Obispo New Times, San Luis Obispo SAMPLE SCRIPT for all communications: Dear Senator: Diablo Canyon must be shut down as scheduled by 2025. There are a myriad of unresolved and disconcerting issues: seismic vulnerability, violation of the closure agreement, unlawful cooling system, storage of even more high-level radioactive waste, and the prohibitive cost of this attempt to resurrect the plant. Thank you, Your name Your location |