On Tuesday, March 26, the San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors will be voting on a resolution to support operation of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant for 20 years.
Although the Board has no authority over this decision, it has INFLUENCE. Mothers for Peace asks that you either speak at the meeting or email the Supervisors by 5pm TOMORROW – Monday, March 25.
Written comments to the Board of Supervisors Send your written comments to: Boardofsups@co.slo.ca.us by 5pm on Monday, March 25. Note “agenda item 35” in the subject line of your email. Attend the meeting and speak in person The meeting begins at 9am. Fill out a “Board Appearance Request Form” when you arrive, and submit it to the Clerk of the Board prior to the start of the item. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. Board of Supervisors Chambers 1055 Monterey Street | San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 |
Background and Talking Points: Senate Bill 846, passed in September 2022, provided a path toward extended operation for 5 years. It set numerous agency requirements from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the California Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Energy, the California Coastal Commission, and others. MANY OF THESE REQUIREMENTS HAVE NOT YET BEEN MET. On March 13, Senator Laird sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors stating, “In short, many of the issues that might be involved in an additional fifteen-year extension have not even been resolved yet for the five-year extension set forth in SB 846. Therefore, it is clear that any discussion of an extension beyond what was enacted with SB 846 is very premature…. The State Legislature and Governor have only authorized the five-year extension of Diablo Canyon Power Plant beyond 2025, and as a state legislator from this region, I would certainly not support any legislation for a further extension until the extension we have already approved is fully permitted, and all the attending issues…are fully considered and addressed.” Senator Laird outlined the unresolved issues in his letter: *The safety analysis of Unit 1’s reactor vessel for embrittlement will not be completed until at least 2026. *Required seismic and other safety review processes have not yet been completed. *PG&E’s application to the California Coastal Commission for a Consistency Certification has not been completed. *SB 846 limited the extension to 2030 to allow for the use of transmission for the offshore wind generation in Morro Bay. *The Once-Through cooling system mitigation fees have not been resolved. *PG&E workers have been receiving 25% bonus pay as incentive to continue employment at a facility scheduled for closure. A 20-year license renewal would not justify this extra pay. *There are unresolved issues with the financing process regarding the $1.4 Billion state loan so that utility ratepayers and state taxpayers are protected from further rate increases. THIS IS URGENT! PLEASE JOIN US IN TAKING ACTION. |