The Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee has been given a great deal of power over the decision regarding the extended operation of Diablo Canyon. We encourage you to attend at least a portion of the meetings. Attendance is either in person or via Zoom. The agenda and details about the …
Latest News
September 17, 2023: STAND WITH US to end nuclear and fossil fuels
The United Nations Climate Ambition Summit is meeting in New York on September 20. Thousands who will take to the streets in NYC on September 17 to demand bold action to end nuclear and fossil fuels. Here in San Luis Obispo, show solidarity by standing with Mothers for Peace at the SLO Mission …
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September 1 2023 webinar: The Climate Conversation – Media’s Impact on Civil Action
Join the September 1 (11:30am) webinar featuring three award-winning meteorologists and climate defenders to discuss the challenges faced by media when reporting on climate change. How can the media bridge the gap between scientists and the public to drive climate literacy and civic …
Meet the 2023 Mothers for Peace Scholarship Recipients
2 minute video Learn more about them in this full version video (11 minutes). Each year, Mothers for Peace offers scholarships to graduating high school seniors and a college upper class student who reside within San Luis Obispo or Santa Barbara Counties. Recipients have educational and career …
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Send comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report by September 25, 2023
The Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel held a public meeting to review and discuss the Diablo Canyon Draft Decommissioning Environmental Report. It was prepared by the County of San Luis Obispo. You can read it here. Send comments by 5pm on September 25, 2023 to …
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Photos from August 9, 2023: Stand With Us for a Nuclear-Free Future
In recognition of the 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings as well as opposition to the continued operation of Diablo Canyon, Mothers for Peace held a Stand With Us on Wednesday, August 9. View the photos here. Following our event, we attended the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel …
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August 4, 2023 Webinar Recording: Accelerating the Renewable Era – energy solutions for a regenerative planet
If you missed the conversation between three environmental leaders on solutions to the most serious problems facing our planet, the recording is now available: RECORDING According to a UN report, we have less than seven years to change our destructive habits before we cause permanent harm …
IMPORTANT! July 25, 2023: two CPUC online public meetings
The CPUC is holding two online public meetings to consider the extension of Diablo Canyon. Tuesday, July 25, 20232pm and 6pm The meetings will begin with a brief overview of the proceeding. The CPUC will then take comments from the public. You can make oral …
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June 30, 2023: Mothers for Peace submitted testimony with the CPUC
Notable Experts Question Wisdom of Extending Diablo Canyon's Life Testimony by nuclear, seismic, and energy experts was submitted to California Public Utilities Commission questioning the prudence of Diablo Canyon's viability past 2025 The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is …
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Mothers for Peace, Friends of the Earth, and Environmental Working Group Challenge Diablo Canyon License Renewal in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Three environmental organizations have asked the court to reverse the NRC's unlawful decision to allow continued operation of Diablo Canyon reactors past their expiration dates without the required safety and environmental reviews and opportunity for a public hearing. On June 30, 2023, three …